Kingstone Park

Current & Former Residents of Note:

Lady Marianne Bingham (The Rogue to Ruin)–  Marianne is the sanest person in Edenbrooke, which doesn’t say much. She’s also keeping one of Edenbrooke’s biggest secrets.  Widowed, Marianne has returned to a townhouse in Primrose Square and is hoping for a peaceful life.  She probably should have chosen a different place to reside.

Brook Wentworth, the Earl of Heathwaite, aka “Heath” — “Welcome to the village of Edenbrooke.  Meet its idiot,” says Lady Caroline Halwick of Heath…Yeah, that’s about right.  The running list of what Heath can be blamed for includes everything up to a plague of locusts.

Lady Theodosia —  Every month, Lady Theodosia sends letters from London to the residents of Edenbrooke.  Everyone is surprised that she can’t hear the collective groan upon receipt.

Lady Heathwaite — All rejoice that the dowager remains in London with Theodosia.


(Original photo © Copyright Mike Searle at